Event: 'Kittiwakes and Doughnuts', 4 July 2024, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Organised by Wild Intrigue - the event features a Newcastle-Gateshead quayside Kittiwake Tour with Cain Scrimgeour followed by an illustrated talk from Daniel Turner. Please check this document below for more details, prices and booking instructions.
Events - Current and Future
There will be a table at the following events - with my books and cards for sale,
perhaps some taxidermy bird specimens and artefacts on display too. I shall
be able to sign books if you wish ... ... ...
Fiesta Whitley Bay, Sunday 7 July 2024, 11 am to 3 pm
Come to our White Wings Publishing stall at Whitley Bay Town Centre, open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Whitley Road, Sunday 7 July 2024. Fiesta Whitley Bay will also take place at nearby St Paul's Church. Come and browse, talk and buy. Make a summer purchase.
Green Beans Market, Sunday [date to be confirmed], 10 am to 3 pm
White Wings Publishing will be at the Green Beans Market, Whitley Bay Metro Station on Sunday, [date to be confirmed]. Please come and say hello and take a look at our stall. You may find just what you are looking for! Books and cards by Daniel Turner and information about the beached bird project (and marine litter) and River Tyne Kittiwakes.
Note. Currently the Market is not running due to station renovations.
Book and card sales
Books (and cards) are for sale as indicated on the Place a book order
page. That page lists outlets where the books are available for purchase.
- please refer to Life on the Tyne (book) tab.
- please refer to Tyneside verses from river and coast (book) tab.
There are currently (14 January 2024) copies of most (or all) books at each of:
Keel Row Books (93-97 Park View, Whitey Bay, Tyne and Wear);
Nile Street Post Office (North Shields);
Meander Gifts (266-268 Whitley Road, Whitley Bay);
Morpeth Chantry (Morpeth, Northumberland);
Priory Newsagency and Post Office (Percy Park Road, Tynemouth);
Old Low Light (North Shields Fish Quay, Heritage Centre);
Newbiggin Maritime Centre, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Northumberland;
The Bound (Park View, Whitley Bay);
The Word (South Shields Library);
'Tyneside Verses from river and coast' and 'Whiskered White - a personal and poetic journey' are also available from The Tower House Gallery, Seaton Sluice, Northumberland (see Links tab).
Each of my five books can be ordered through Waterstones (for example on-line).
Older notices
News - General
As well as travelling within the UK (notably England, Scotland, Ireland and
the Channel Islands), copies of my books have also found their way to:
The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Canada and New Zealand.
News and Events - Historical
24 November 2014, Monday,
White Wings Publishing website went live during the evening.
25 November 2014, Tuesday,
The printer of Daniel's 'Fish Quay Folk of North Shields' book
(Elanders Ltd) published an article on their website about the book
and their involvement. To see this please click here (Elanders article)
1 December 2014, Monday,
Publication Day for the book 'Fish Quay Folk of North Shields'.
6 December 2014, Saturday.
Book launch at the Old Low Light, North Shields Fish Quay. Daniel gave a short talk at 1 p.m., before signing copies of his new book 'Fish Quay Folk of North Shields'. The new book was on sale from a table on the first floor (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) which also held the Christmas and Note cards featured on this website.
Also on this day at the Old Low Light: Some of the Summerhill Books authors (including Andrew Clark, Jack Shotton, Charlie Steel and Michael Coates), plus author Peter Mortimer were present to sign and sell their local books.
See this link to The Net - event on 6 Dec and this further link on The Net - about 6 Dec and a third Net link.
13-14 December 2014, Saturday and Sunday. Book sales ('Fish Quay Folk of North Shields') from the 'Discover North Tyneside' Centre at North Shields Central Library. The author was present to sign copies. There were also Christmas and Note cards for sale - fund-raising for Tynemouth Lifeboat Station. This was the weekend of the North Shields Victorian Christmas Market for 2014.
4 April 2015, Saturday, 11 am to 3 pm
Easter Family Fun Day at Linskill Centre, Linskill Terrace, North Shields.
We had a White Wings Publishing indoor stall, including fund-raising for Tynemouth Lifeboat Station. On sale were the Christmas and Note Cards featured on this website, plus the book 'Fish Quay Folk of North Shields' which the author signed for buyers.
5 April 2015, Sunday,
The Old Low Light, Clifford's Fort, North Shields Fish Quay.
Daniel Turner was present on the first floor, from 1 pm - 4 pm, to answer questions about the birds in relation to one of the exhibits ('Tidelines'). The exhibit is a collaboration between artist Stephen Livingstone and Daniel and includes some of the artefacts belonging to the Northeast England Beached Bird Surveys Group. 'Tidelines' is on show from Friday 27 March until July/August 2015.
2 May 2015, Saturday,
Local History Day at North Shields Library
Customer First Centre. The author was present
(10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) to sell and sign copies of his
book 'Fish Quay Folk of North Shields'. He also
had available the fund-raising cards (Christmas
and Note) for Tynemouth RNLI Lifeboat Station.
Also on his display table were two mounted birds:
kittiwake nestling and adult puffin (keeping him
18 July 2015, Saturday, 11 am to 3 pm
Summer Fair at Linskill Centre, Linskill Terrace, North Shields. There was a White Wings Publishing indoor stall, including fund-raising for Tynemouth Lifeboat Station. We had on sale the Christmas and Note Cards featured on this website, plus the book 'Fish Quay Folk of North Shields'.
19 July 2015, Sunday, 11 am to 3 pm. Tynemouth Lifeboat Day at North Shields Fish Quay. There was a White Wings Publishing indoor stall, including fund-raising for Tynemouth Lifeboat Station. As well as the cards and books on sale there were stuffed birds on display from the Northeast England Beached Bird Surveys Group, plus others.
On 4 August 2015 a cheque for £150 was paid to Tynemouth RNLI lifeboat
station due to sales of the book ‘Fish Quay Folk of North Shields’. This
included a donation (at 50p per copy) of £130 from White Wings Publishing
from the sale of 260 copies of the book plus a donation of £20 from
Raspberry Creative Type (graphic designer for the book). Book sales continue.
New book ... ... 'Birds, beaches and boats: Northeast Coastal Diary, 2011'. There was a book launch on Saturday 14 November 2015 at the Old Low Light, North Shields fish quay, 11:00 - 15:00 GMT. The author, Daniel Turner, was available to sell and sign copies. Also on sale were the new 2015 fund-raising Christmas cards (for Tynemouth Lifeboat Station), the author's first book 'Fish Quay Folk of North Shields' and his fund-raising local note cards.
24 Nov 2015, Tuesday 10:30 am - 2 pm
Sales event at British Airways, Cragside Court, Newcastle upon Tyne. The author returned to his roots in an office where he worked for over fifteen years. On sale were the fund-raising note and Christmas cards as well as the two books published by Daniel Turner. He also provided a display of bird artefacts including some from the Northeast England beached bird group.
North Shields Victorian Christmas Market, 2015
Author Daniel Turner was in the Discovery area at North Shields Central Library on the weekend of 12-13 December. On sale was his new book 'Birds, beaches and boats' as well as his first book 'Fish Quay Folk of North Shields', plus his fund-raising Christmas and Note Cards.
Mon - Tue, 18 - 19 April 2016. Bird display at the Old Low Light, North Shields fish quay. Daniel Turner was on hand with stuffed birds, skulls, bird books, etc to talk about them and the beached bird and fulmar projects. The theme was seabirds. Also on display were artefacts from the Clare Friend collection.
On 14 June 2016 a cheque for £70 was handed to Tynemouth RNLI lifeboat
station following sales of a further 140 copies of the book ‘Fish Quay Folk of
North Shields’. This comprised a donation (at 50p per copy) from White Wings
17 July 2016, Sunday, Tynemouth Lifeboat Day at North Shields Fish Quay. There was a White Wings Publishing indoor stall, including fund-raising for Tynemouth Lifeboat Station. As well as local Note Cards and Christmas Cards, I had my two books on sale and there was a display table of stuffed birds from the Northeast England Beached Bird Surveys Group, plus others.
New Book 'Life on the Tyne', publication date Saturday, 29 Oct 2016.
There was a launch at the Old Low Light heritage centre, North Shields Fish Quay - open to all visitors. I gave a short talk before the book was available for sale (and signing). I was present from 2-4 pm. There was an earlier, invitation-only, morning launch (11 am) in North Shields for people involved in the book in some way; I talked about my new publication.
(Photo by Alison Spedding).
North Shields Victorian Christmas Market,
Sat-Sun, 10-11 Dec 2016
I was present in the Discover section of North Shields central library (ground floor). My three books were on sale and for a signature, if required. My fund-raising Note and Christmas cards were also on sale.
In addition, local authors Jack Shotton and Michael Coates were present with their own books. We had a great weekend and were joined by the Linskill Community Choir on Sunday - just lovely.
Saturday 17 December 2016
A cheque for £275 was handed to the North Shields Fishermen’s Heritage Project due to my new book ‘Life on the Tyne’. The money comprised part of the book’s business sponsorship, a contribution from graphic designer Raspberry Creative Type plus income from initial book sales (130 copies with a donation of 50 pence per book).
The photograph (by Alison Spedding) shows Joyce Marti (secretary of the NSFHP) and yours truly at the Old Low Light, 17 Dec 2016.
Local History Day, North Shields Library,
Saturday, 13 May 2017
I was present at a table in the Customer First Centre on the first floor of the library.
My stall stands in the foreground of the photograph; seated in white jumper is Frances Southwick. Frances works at the library in the Discover North Tyneside section. She was attending their own table at the event this day. It was a great event with many visitors and I was able to discuss different things with several interested folk.
Sunday 16 July 2017,
Tynemouth Lifeboat Day, 11 am to 3 pm
During the day we manned a table with my books, Christmas cards and note cards … hoping for a few sales and fund-raising for the lifeboat station. It was a busy day with good summer weather and many people coming to enjoy the fish quay events. We also had a bird artefact display table, educating about different feathered projects in northeast England and further afield.
North Shields Victorian Christmas Market, 2017.
During this weekend event (Sat-Sun, 9-10 December) I attended a display area with three other local authors … Jack Shotton, Charlie Steel and Michael Coates. We were inside the library, much warmer than for those stall holders dressed for the cold air of Northumberland Square, just outside. It was a good weekend with many visitors coming to talk with us and find out something of our local history.
Local History Day, North Shields Library 2018
A lovely day (Saturday, 12 May, 10 am to 4 pm) upstairs at this busy local venue. We were well looked after and I joined my stall which was situated amongst many others. My books and cards were available and I had a couple of birdy friends along too. There were many visitors to talk with, but some just wished to browse. Behind me was a great exhibition of paintings by Victor Noble-Rainbird (1887-1936).
Sunday 15 July 2018, Tynemouth Lifeboat Day, 11 am to 3 pm
It was a great day in glorious weather – this summer was proving to be hot and dry. Linda and I took care of our stall, with cards and books on sale along with a bird display for discussion. Many friends and visitors came to say hello and wish us well with the event. I purchased a lovely chilled cod fillet at the end, to enjoy a couple of days later for my tea.
25 July to 31 August 2018,
'Plastics in Seabirds', exhibition at the Tower House Gallery, Seaton Sluice, Northumberland. NEBBS Group coordinator Dan Turner attended all day on Wednesdays and Saturday afternoons from 1:30 pm (except 28 July) - to discuss the projects with visitors. Entrance was free. Visitors came to browse the Gallery as well as learn about the problems caused
by marine litter.
Sat-Sun, 8-9 December 2018, North Shields Victorian Christmas Market.
Daniel Turner was present at a table in North Shields library (Customer
First Centre) with his local note cards, Christmas cards and books (has
now published four). His new book 'Tyneside verses from river and coast'
was available ... it went on sale from 2 December 2018. The library
was open from 9 am to 5 pm (Saturday) and 10 am to 4 pm (Sunday) and
Daniel was present for most of this time. The White Wings Publishing table
was on the ground floor - there was a handling copy available of each
book on Sunday and further copies were be available for purchase.
Green Beans Community Market, Sunday 28 April 2019, 10 am to 3 pm
Daniel Turner attended the White Wings Publishing stall at the Green Beans Community Market (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) on Whitley Bay Metro Station. It was a lovely day (see photo of our stall below) ... ...
Local History Fair, North Shields Library, Saturday 11 May 2019
10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. There was a White Wings Publishing stall.
Old Low Light, Saturday, 25 May 2019, 11:00 to 12:00
Natural history discussion and talks at Old Low Light Heritage Centre, North
Shields fish quay. Daniel Turner, member of the Tyne Kittiwake Partnership,
talked for about twenty minutes on the Tyne kittiwakes. Further speakers covered
additional topics.
Green Beans Community Market, Sunday 26 May 2019, 10 am to 3 pm
White Wings Publishing stall at the Green Beans Community Market, open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Whitley Bay Metro Station, Sunday 26 May. Had a great time!
Tyne kittiwake talk, Saturday 22 June 2019, 12:15 pm
Gave a half hour talk at the Baltic Art Centre, Gateshead, as part of the ‘Kittiwakes and Doughnuts’ event organised by Wild Intrigue. There was a nice and attentive audience.
Green Beans Community Market, Sunday 30 June 2019, 10 am to 3 pm
There was a White Wings Publishing stall at the Green Beans Community Market, open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Whitley Bay Metro Station, Sunday 30 June. Linda came too. Interesting day!
Old Low Light, Saturday, 27 July 2019, 11:00 to 12:00
Natural history discussion and talks at Old Low Light Heritage Centre, North
Shields fish quay. Daniel Turner read extracts from his 2019 diary for about fifteen
minutes. Further speakers covered additional topics.
Green Beans Community Market, Sunday 28 July 2019, 10 am to 3 pm
There was a White Wings Publishing stall at the Green Beans Community Market, open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Whitley Bay Metro Station, Sunday 28 July. Linda came, arriving about one o’ clock to sit with me and explore the market.
European Researchers’ Night, Hancock Museum, 27 Sept 2019, 6-10 pm
There was a beached bird (NEBBS) group table in the Natural Northumbria gallery at the Seas and Coasts hide in the Great North Museum: Hancock (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). The NEBBS group coordinator gave fifteen minute talks in the museum at 7:45 and 8:45 pm. Many visitors came to attend the stalls, explore the museum and talk with researchers. It was a great evening.
Green Beans Community Market, Sunday 24 November 2019, 10 am to 3 pm
White Wings Publishing was at the Green Beans Community Market, Whitley Bay Metro Station, Sunday 24 November. It was a cold day, but great to meet and talk with visitors and customers. It's not long until Christmas now!
North Shields Victorian Christmas Market, December 2019
Attended North Shields Central Library on Sunday 8 December (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) during the Victorian Christmas Market weekend. My books were on sale. Also available were Christmas cards (fund-raising for Tynemouth RNLI lifeboat station) and new Tyne River Mouth (Set 2) note cards (some of money going to Northeast England Beached Bird Surveys group). Nice event.
Fiesta Whitley Bay, Sunday 5 September 2021, 11 am to 3 pm
Had a stall at Whitley Bay Town Centre, on Whitley Road. Was a busy day. Some folks enjoyed my hat! Tried to rescue a pigeon, but it was fine already.
See poster below.
Green Beans Community Market, Sunday 31 October 2021, 10 am to 3 pm
White Wings Publishing had a stall at the Green Beans Community Market on Whitley Bay Metro Station. It was good to attend, talk with visitors and make some sales. A wet start to the day which brightened later. See picture below ... ...
Green Beans Community Market, Sunday 27 February 2022, 10 am to 3 pm
Was great to attend the market on a special day. Nice atmosphere, interesting visitors and the weather stayed fine. See picture below ... ...
Fiesta Whitley Bay, Sunday 6 March 2022, 11 am to 3 pm
Our stall was on the main street, under a gazebo with others. There were further activities at St Paul's Church, just along the road. A lovely day with bright and sunny weather, though a little chilly at first. See photo below.
Local History Day, Saturday 14 May 2022, 10 am to 3 pm
White Wings Publishing had a table at this event at North Shields Library, Tyne and Wear, on Saturday, 14 May 2022. New book 'Whiskered White' was available for the first time today! There were other books and cards by Daniel Turner and information about the beached bird project (and marine litter) and River Tyne Kittiwakes.
Green Beans Market, Sunday 29 May 2022, 10 am to 3 pm
White Wings Publishing was pleased to be at the Green Beans Market, Whitley Bay Metro Station on Sunday, 29 May 2022. Thank you for coming to say hello. New book 'Whiskered White' (published 14 May) was available for sale.
Green Beans Markets, 2022, 10 am to 3 pm (last Sunday of each month)
White Wings Publishing attended with a stall on nine occasions of the monthly Green Beans Markets at Whitley Bay Metro Station during 2022. It was great to talk with many market visitors about my books and cards and the bird projects too. Thank you very much for coming. We hope to see you again in 2023!
Fiesta Whitley Bay, Sundays during 2022, 11 am to 3 pm, Quarterly.
White Wings Publishing had a stall at Whitley Bay Town Centre, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on 6 March, 5 June and 4 December 2022 on Whitley Road (in the shopping precinct on 4 Dec). 'Fiesta Whitley Bay' also takes place at nearby St Paul's Church.